Tag Archives: Larks

Greater White-fronted Goose, October 16, 2014

Greater White-fronted Goose

Greater White-fronted Goose (click to see the larger version)

The adult Greater White-fronted Goose was still at Montrose this morning, October 16. I first saw it in the lake with Canada Geese south of the restrooms, and I saw it again with Canada Geese on the grass just east of the bait shop as I was driving out.

I also walked around the point for a little while and there seemed to be good numbers of passerines around, especially White-crowned and White-throated Sparrows. Some of the other birds I saw include:

Horned Grebe – 1
Red-tailed Hawk – 1, the continuing juvenile I presume
Black-belled Plover – 2 at the east end of the beach
Sanderling – ~8, all at the west end of the beach
Chimney Swift – ~300 swarming low over the point
Red-bellied Woodpecker – 1 male
Horned Lark – 1 flyover at the beach
Winter Wren – 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet – ~6
Golden-crowned Kinglet – 2
American Pipit – 1 flyover
Lapland Longspur – 1 flushed from the beach
Tennessee Warbler – 1
Orange-crowned Warbler – 5
Black-throated Green Warbler – 1
American Tree Sparrow – 1, my FOS
Fox Sparrow – 1
Rusty Blackbird – 4, all in the dunes
Purple Finch – 2, 1 male and 1 female
Pine Siskin – 1

Horned Lark, March 6, 2013

I had a Horned Lark fly in off of Lake Michigan this morning. This is just the second bona fide spring migrant passerine I’ve had at Montrose, the first being a Song Sparrow a couple of days ago. There were also 2 drake Greater Scaup in the lake and the Snow Goose continues in the harbor.

The forecast calls for a warmup by the end of the week. I can’t wait.

Short-eared Owl, October 17, 2011

A Short-eared Owl, my first of the season, was at Montrose this morning. The bird flew in from the north over the beach and ended up in the meadow, where I last saw it. I also had Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, and Horned Lark this a.m. There seemed to be good numbers of birds around. I wish I could have stayed longer. It was a beautiful, crisp October morning.