Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Meadowlark, March 10, 2013

An Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Meadowlark were at Montrose this morning. There were also a lot of Song Sparrows around. On the waterfowl front I had 4 Canvasbacks, 3 Green-winged Teal, and 3 American Wigeon flying south along the lake. The trails and paths were wet and muddy but at least the snow and ice are starting to melt.

3 thoughts on “Eastern Phoebe and Eastern Meadowlark, March 10, 2013

    1. rhughes Post author

      It seems early doesn’t it?. There was snow on the ground and ice on Lake Michigan, so it still looked and felt like winter. Eastern Phoebes are insect eating birds so I imagine that finding food might be difficult for this individual.

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