Category Archives: General

Montrose Parking Update, May 26, 2022

West Montrose Avenue, looking west

West Montrose Avenue, looking west (click to see the larger version)

Big parking changes at Montrose Point are here. Repaving of West Montrose Avenue is almost finished and lines have been painted for perpendicular parking. More cars will now be able to park along the street, which means even more people will be able to use Montrose. This also means a narrower road to drive on, which could reduce speeding but create more traffic and congestion. These changes only apply to West Montrose Avenue – nothing has changed on West Montrose Harbor Drive. This Google Map shows the road system in and around Montrose Point.

Montrose Parking Update, May 23, 2022

You can now park legally on the north side of West Montrose Avenue but the parking ban has been extended to May 27 for the south side of the road. Hopefully the street repair project will be finished by that date. You can still park along West Montrose Harbor Drive but you’ll have to feed a meter for the privilege. This Google Map shows the road system in and around Montrose Point.

Montrose Parking Update, May 2, 2022

No parking sign

No parking sign (click to see the larger version)

Parking along West Montrose Drive is prohibited from May 2 to May 13 because of ongoing street repairs. You can still park along West Montrose Harbor Drive but you’ll have to feed a meter for the privilege. You can also park west of Lake Shore Drive and walk in. This Google Map shows the road system in and around Montrose Point.

Montrose Parking Update, April 13, 2022

The no parking signs along West Montrose Drive say that parking on the south and east sides of the street is prohibited until April 27, and parking along the north and west sides of the street is prohibited until May 7. The parking restrictions are due to a curb repair project. This Google Map shows the road system in and around Montrose Point.

Montrose Parking Update, April 11, 2022

Parking along West Montrose Avenue, the main entrance road to Montrose Point, is illegal because of the ongoing curb repair project. Curb repair construction will last into early May, so you won’t be able to legally park along West Montrose Avenue until then. You can still park along West Montrose Harbor Drive but you’ll have to feed a meter. You can also park west of Lake Shore Drive and walk in. This Google Map shows the road system in and around Montrose Point.

Montrose Changes and Updates, April 2021

Metered Parking

The city is adding parking meters to the roads at Montrose Point, starting in the summer of 2021. This will include West Montrose Harbor Drive, the road where most birding visitors park. If you don’t want to feed the meters, you can always park west of Lake Shore Drive and walk in. This is what people did when the city limited access to Montrose in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19 fears.

Beach Fencing and Dunes Roping

Montrose Dunes

Montrose Dunes roping (click to see the larger version)

In April 2021, the southeast section of Montrose Beach was fenced and parts of Montrose Dunes were roped off. The beach fencing will protect the Piping Plovers and their habitat, should Monty and Rose use this area for nesting when they return. The Dunes roping will allow vegetation to recover and regenerate. Entering these roped areas is prohibited. Entering the fenced portion of the beach will also be prohibited when Monty and Rose return. Note that if Monty and Rose decide to use a different part of Montrose Beach or the Dunes, that area will also be off-limits.