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Weather and Birding Forecast, May 19 and 20

Weather forecast screenshot for May 19 and 20

Weather forecast screenshot for May 19 and 20. From (click to see the larger version)

The forecast for May 19 and May 20 looks good for a push of birds, with warmer temps and sustained southwest winds, ideal spring migration conditions. We’re a little past the peak of migration but we should see an influx of flycatchers, vireos, cuckoos, and “later” warblers like Connecticut and Mourning. As always, check the Montrose Point eBird Hotspot for the latest sightings.

Weather and Birding Forecast, May 9 to May 14 – Looking Good

Weather forecast screenshot for May 9 - 14

Weather forecast screenshot for May 9 – 14. From (click to see the larger version)

The forecast for May 9 to May 14 looks good for a big movement of birds. We should see an influx of warblers, flycatchers, Catharus thrushes, and other migrants. Most of the week will see sustained south winds and temperatures in the 70s and 80s. This might turn out to be one of the best birding weeks of the year. If you can get out for a few hours on any day during the week, by all means do.

Migration, April 30 – May 2

Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird (click to see the larger version)

We’re having a strong late April and early May songbird migration. Sparrow numbers and variety have been excellent, with many White-throated and Swamp Sparrows and Eastern Towhees around. Smaller numbers of White-crowned, Lincoln’s, Savannah, and a few Lark, Vesper, and Clay-colored Sparrows have also been seen. Non-sparrow passerines like Brown Thrashers, Gray Catbirds, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have been in good numbers for those species. What we haven’t been seeing are large numbers of insect dependent songbirds like flycatchers, warblers, vireos, and Catharus thrushes, excluding Hermit. This is probably because of the unseasonably chilly temperatures and persistent north winds we’ve been experiencing. Unfortunately, as of May 2, the forecast out to about May 8 doesn’t indicate much change in this pattern. When it does break and we get a serious warm up, we should see a big influx of migrants. Mid may is typically the peak of spring migration, with the largest variety of passerines of the year. As always, keep checking the Montrose Point eBird Hotspot for the latest sightings.

Weather and Birding Forecast, April 27 – May 4

Weather forecast screenshot

Weather forecast screenshot for April 27 – May 4. From (click to see the larger version)

The forecast for the week of April 27 to May 4 does not look propitious for a strong movement of birds. Winds will be from the east or north most of that time; these are not favorable conditions for migration, particularly insect eating songbirds like warblers. We will get a brief shot of south winds Saturday and Sunday nights, so Sunday and Monday may be better. Hopefully this will change for the Spring Bird Count on May 7.

Weather and Birding Forecast, April 10 – 16

Weather forecast screenshot

Weather forecast screenshot for April 10 – 16. From (click to see the larger version)

The forecast for the week of April 10 – 16 has many days with south winds and warmer temps. We should see an influx of typical mid spring migrants like kinglets, Eastern Phoebes, and Hermit Thrushes. We could also see several new arrivals, including Lark and Henslow’s Sparrows, Louisiana Waterthrush, and two or three new swallows. As always, check the Montrose Point eBird Hotspot for the latest sightings.

Weather and Birding Forecast, March 13 – 19

Weather forecast screenshot

Weather forecast screenshot for March 13 – 19. From (click to see the larger version)

The forecast for the week of March 13 – 19 has several days with south winds and warmer temps. We should see an influx of typical early spring migrants like blackbirds, American Robins, and a variety of waterfowl. We could also see a few new arrivals, like American Woodcock. The days that look favorable are Monday, March 14 and Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and 17. As always, check the Montrose Point eBird Hotspot for the latest sightings.